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Hallie Moberg Brauer

The advantages of supporting neurodiversity the workplace

April 19 ,2021

Hallie Moberg Brauer

Associate Consultant

ADR Consulting Group LLC.

It has become common place thought that diversity in the workplace is a boon to any and all companies. Racially and culturally diverse teams outperform non diverse teams by up to 35%. And while much focus has been put on diversifying teams and workplaces along gender, racial, and cultural lines- the newest frontier has been including and celebrating neurodiversity in the workplace. 

What exactly is neurodiversity you ask? Neurodiversity refers to the people who live with learning and processing differences, including people on the autism spectrum, those with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), dyslexia, dyspraxia, and Tourette’s syndrome. The neurodiversity paradigm recognizes the fact that diversity of ability is typical of the human species, and is not a problem to be solved, differing abilities are to be embraced. However, challenges for these individuals can arise when they try to fit into systems designed for neurotypical people. But many companies and organizations are seeking to recruit, include and celebrate the outstanding work that many people living outside the neurotypical realm bring to the table. 

There are many benefits of employing neurodiverse people. 

  • Neurodiverse people often have unique and crucial skill sets. From being able to recognize elaborate patterns in mathematical systems, to being motivated to find the most efficient systems, neurodiverse people can bring organizations to new levels of productivity. 

  • Innovative boosts abound! People who think outside of the traditional box are often born innovators, which gives many companies essential competitive advantages in today’s rapidly evolving world.   

And while it may be beneficial to your organization to employ neurodiverse people, supporting them is essential to ensuring their success in your company. Here are a few tips for supporting your neurodiverse talent base. 

  • Rethink hiring practices. Often the neurodiverse people best suited to meet the needs of your organization may not stand out in traditional interview and hiring settings. Thinking about different ways of measuring potential success in your organization when seeking neurodiverse talent is essential to bring them in.  

  • Managers must be committed to inisting any and all accommodations their teams need are met. It is not enough to simply recruit and hire neurodiversity, companies must also create an environment that fosters their success and inclusion in the workplace. 

  • Bring the entire organization up to speed. Offer educational training to all employees on the types of neurodiversity and the benefits it offers your organization. 

  • Check in regularly with neurodiverse employees and listen to what's working and what they need. While this goes for all employees, regular checks can benefit neurodiverse employees in particular.

If you are still looking for more ideas and resources around equipping your organization and team members to maximize the benefits of neurodiverse talent and opportunities to celebrate them? As always, ADR Consulting LLC is here to support you in those endeavors! Please reach out for more support and resources. 


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