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Hallie Moberg Brauer

The Great Resignation and what it can mean for you

Hallie Moberg Brauer

ADR Consulting Group LLC.

As we move into April of 2022, and we take stock of what lasting changes the Covid-19 pandemic brought, you may have seen headlines about what economists are calling, “The Great Resignation.” The term was coined by an organizational psychologist, Anthony Klotz, who is also an associate professor at the Business School at Texas A&M University.  

The Great Resignation

Since April 2021, a record-breaking four million people in the United States have quit their jobs. And the quitting continues- in July of 2021, another almost four million people left their jobs. One rationale for this epidemic seems somewhat straightforward. During the height of the pandemic and the instability of the market, people stayed put in their jobs. Which led to even more burnout, particularly in the service industry. And now people are just done.

But there is another take on what makes this trend of resignations more significant. The global pandemic has fundamentally changed the way that workers and employees understand and value life and work. People report they are looking for flexibility, and more out of life than 60+ hour work weeks and long commutes. If employers are not ready to offer those things to their employees, then people are not interested in working for them. It is as if a unilateral boiling point has ensued amongst America’s labor force, and now we are watching the water spill over the pot. 

Uniquely enough the Great Resignation has brought on a newfound agency for employees, as they are empowered to take the time to really search to align their values and priorities with the way they spend their time. These values include wellness, financial health, family, and overall quality of life. A pandemic is an event that can bring into focus what one wants their priorities to be- and for many, the grind they were living just wasn’t working for them. With this in mind, it may be more accurate to think of the “Great Resignation” as the “Great Realignment” of personal and professional values and seeking a true balance between work and personal life. 

What to do if you are looking to make a pivot

So how can you make these favorable conditions work for you? Are you looking to make a change? Now may be the moment for you, if you have not already left the job that was holding you back. Whether you are looking for a change of pace, or to truly pursue your passion, we have a couple suggestions for you. 

  • Decide if it's time to leave

  • Ask yourself what exactly it is that you want. And what isn’t working for you? Is the role as flexible as you want it to be? Does the company value diversity, equity and inclusion? Would a raise entice you to stay? If it is money you are after… negotiate. If all other things were equal and they paid you more you would stay? 

  • Benefits?

  • If you leave your current role, will you have the benefits you need? Think about healthcare and retirement- and if you can swing it if you find yourself between jobs, it may be time to head out the door.

  • Be sure you have the support you need.

  • Whether it is from family and friends, from a mental health professional, or your partner. Knowing that others support your professional move (and a bit of financial support can’t hurt) is important, especially if finding the new opportunity takes longer than anticipated. A strong support system is essential in life in general but can be extra important during a career shift.

If you decide, after these considerations, that the moment is now, good for you! Be sure to try to be intentional with your time away from work, if there is going to be a gap, and ensure those resources will last! Then go for it. Follow your passion. Find a new place of employment that values you and what you value. And if you would like to share your story with ADR Consulting Group LLC we would love to hear about your experience.


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